Football tournaments
in other countries 2024
Football tournaments in other countries
In addition to tournaments in Spain, Italy and Scandinavia, we also offer tournaments in many other countries. You can travel as a team to a tournament in Portugal, Greece or Hungary, for example, and play against many international teams.
Check out the list below and choose an unforgettable tournament. You can expect beautiful cities, great accommodation and full board.
- More than 10 tournaments to choose from
- all age groups (U9 - U19 m & w)
- Easter, Ascension/Whitsun & Summer or Autumn
- Teams from all over Europe
more countries
- More than 10 tournaments to choose from
- all age groups (U9 - U19 m & w)
- Easter, Ascension/Whitsun & Summer or Autumn
- Teams from all over Europe
Select the age group(s):
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Tournaments in other countries:

You are interested in one of the tournaments, have general questions or would like to get more detailed information about accommodation and prices. Then simply get in touch with us via our contact form or contact us directly!
Tournaments in
other countries: